In the run-up to the HANNOVER MESSE 2022, digital twins were developed for several exemplary fluid power products and easy-to-understand explanatory videos (playlist also available on Youtube) as well as this homepage were created.

But nothing beats trying it out for yourself. The Fluid Power 4.0 demonstrator met with great interest at the exhibition: High-ranking delegations from politics (Economic Committee of the Bundestag, NRW State Secretary C. Dammermann), representatives of industry (including BDI President S. Russwurm, VDMA President K. Haeusgen) and universities (including RWTH Aachen and TU Dresden), as well as many trade fair visitors, tried out live what the digital twin looks like and how it can lead to success with suitable data. They were able to touch physical fluid power products, scan their QR codes and explore the associated Digital Twins.