Pneumatic pressure sensor

Product overview Festo: Pneumatic pressure sensor (SPAU-P10R-T-G18M-L-PNLK-PNVBA-M8D) Package-Explorer of the asset administration shell Examples for the following Use Cases: New Design (Articel Information, MCAD) Condition Monitoring (Parameter Information) Product Change Notification (Product Change Notification) Initial Commissioning (Digital Nameplate, Hardcover Documentation)
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Pneumatic Cylinder

Product overview Festo: Pneumatic cylinder (DSBC-63-125-PPVA-N3) Package-Explorer of the asset administration shell Examples for the following Use Cases: New Design (Article Information, MCAD) Initial Commissioning (Digital Nameplate, Manufacturer Documentation)
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Pneumatic directional control valve

Product overview Festo: Pneumatic directional control valve (VUVS-L25-M52-AD-G14-F8-1C1) Package-Explorer of the asset administration shell Examples for the following Use Cases: New Design (Article Information, MCAD) Initial Commissioning (Digital Nameplate, Handcover Documentation)
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